Tuesday, June 9, 2009

“I Will Be Back and I Will Be Millions”

My life in Buenos Aires has come to a sweet end. It was emotional to say goodbye to my amigos and primos— but I didn’t have total breakdown like I thought I would…maybe that will all happen when Im stuck on the 405 one day. I feel so at peace with everything I did. I’m so proud of how well the trip turned out—I did everything I wanted and more. I’m so proud of the challenges I overcame and how I made the best of each and every moment of everyday. I had a realization on the bus the other day…. I realized I didn’t feel I was in a foreign country anymore. I was just home. When I got back from my road trip in the north, I felt at home. It was a really beautiful and peaceful feeling. Made me really happy, then a little sad, then really really happy. I absolutely love Buenos Aires with all my heart. I miss it so much right now. I will be back… "And I will be millions". Oh Evita, you put it so perfectly.

Besos. Chau Chau.

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