Monday, May 18, 2009

Big Willy Style - Boca vs. Arsenal

Saturday was the big quest for La Boca futbol tickets. Naturally, all the information I was given was not totally correct, the game was "sold out". We met Ruben, who said talk to Willy. Willy said he can hook us up, for a hefty price of course. We agree to do it, just cause it might be my last chance to catch a Boca game. Game on.

The next day we meet Willy who immediately tells Bryan and Elise to remove their jerseys... score. (We were going to walk through the visitor section). We walk forever and ever, even get to see the players pass by on the bus-- with police escort. We pass through multiple security points with Willy's wink of an (lazy) eye, and we were finally in the stadium, yay! I smuggled in some Quilmes and was pumped. The game was really fun-- not filled to maximum capactiy as I hoped, but Boca wins which is awesome. Elise and I sat on a railing hanging above the crazy fan "popular" section, under a giant banner. Boca wins 2-1!

Then for the bonus round, I head to El Alamo to catch the second half of Lakers beating Houston. Double winner! Then I went to every restaurant and food place on the hunt for a baguette. Found one, and got it free. Triple winner!

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