Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm Heeeerrre!

Reporting to you from my new piso! The apartment is just like in the photos, which is a relief. There is one framed photo of Carlos Gardel on the wall, which is kinda funny, and lovely.

I have to admit, I'm totally overwhelmed right now. And totally exhausted. But I feel very welcomed here by everyone. My volunteer advisor came over to chat and go over a bunch of details (ie. this is where you live, this is where you do not go).

Time to unpack, buy some food, and take a little nappy.

Also, I completely fell out of the shower. And by completely, I mean, I yanked the shower curtains down with me. What a great start! Times I've almost broken my neck: 2.

And for those of you (Katie) who were worried about me not getting my McDonald's breakfast yesterday morning... well, guess what i had at the Buenos Aires airport! You better believe it. An Egg McBagel, except they forgot to give me the egg. It's ok, I still enjoyed it.

Here's me in my new diggs:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. P! Looks like a great spot...and it already looks like you've moved in. Love the big sticker on the back of your laptop screen too, has that been there since you bought it?

    Try not to break your neck again, although I had to laugh picturing you going ass over tea kettle taking the curtain with you. HAH!

  3. STRAIGHT out of a Lucy episode. I'm like... this is funny... right?

  4. P! My favorite part of this pic is the hoop earrings on the table. I'm cleaning my house so I decided to put a little Beth on in your honor! It looks like you are having a great time - I am so happy for you! xoxo
